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Refinancing a Dealership Loan

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Aug 1, 2017
Submitted by: Verve, a Credit Union
  • Second Chances & Refinancing
We just had a member come in to the Brillion BraA member's 20 year-old granddaughter ended up with a 24.72% APR on her loan through the dealership as well as an expensive warranty she didn't want. We reached out to her and refinanced her loan for 3.49% and offered her a warranty that covered more, for $400 less than the dealer. She's saving $13,000 in interest over the life of the loan. nch with an unopened box of dog treats. Her dog passed away over the weekend and she wanted us to have them because her dog loved coming through the drive-up to get treats. She was very emotional and welcomed hugs from the team. It was a heartwarming moment for our team and Verve.