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The Power of Financial Counseling

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Apr 20, 2023
Submitted by: Park City Credit Union
  • Home Loans
Some young, first-time buyers wanted to purchase a home, as they were paying high rent each month and had just found out they were having their first child. When we first met, we discussed the mortgage process, programs, and credit. When they first applied, they did not qualify as only one of the buyers had a credit score, so we discussed different credit lines, cards/installment loans, and made a plan for how to build their scores. We checked in with them after a couple weeks to see how they were doing, and once it had been about six months they decided to apply again. Unfortunately, they still did not qualify as the husband had not yet taken out a credit card, so we continued to coach them about how this was affecting their ability to purchase a home. After another six months and a full year of counseling, they applied again and qualified for a USDA loan, allowing them to purchase their dream home.