Agenda (tentative schedule – watch for details coming soon!)
Day 1 | Tuesday, September 24
9:30 am – 10:00 am
10:00 am – 10:30am
Financial Well Being for All (FWBFA) Review
Josh Roberts, Vice President of System Collaboration & Development | The League
10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Trauma Informed Financial Education and Community Engagement
Majel Hein, Certified Financial Therapy Practitioner-1™ | Financial Education and Counseling Expert
Join Majel Hein, Certified Financial Therapy Practitioner-1™ and a financial educator for over a decade, to learn more about trauma-informed community engagement and financial education.
Learn about how important language is when speaking to financially vulnerable populations and techniques on providing engaging content to build trust and get “butts in the seats.” Learn how to use these techniques to set yourself apart in your communities and meet every audience where they are with relevant, real education to inspire audiences and remind them that they have control over their money versus feeling like it is controlling them.
12:00 pm – 12:45 pm
1:00 pm – 1:30pm
Group Activity
1:45 pm – 2:45 pm
Benefits of using the new FinHealth Hub
Jenni Speth, Engagement Director | National Credit Union Foundation
Jenni will share details and benefits of using the new FinHealth Hub introduced by the NCUF in the past few months. Made up of three key areas of content, online educational courses, discussion forums and a resource library, the FinHealth Hub enables credit unions to own financial well-being. Learn more about this tool to connect, learn and grow together.
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Group Activity
4:00pm – 4:30pm
Wrap up of the Day
4:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Casual Reception at the Brew Pub on-site
Day 2 | Wednesday, September 25
8:00 am – 9:00 am
9:15 am – 9:30 am
Recap of day 1 and set goals for day 2
9:30am – 10:45am
Impacts of Food Security Gaps in Wisconsin
Dr. J. Michael Collins, Professor | University of Wisconsin-Madison | School of Human Ecology
11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Living on the Edge: Financial Realities for Those Navigating Public Assistance Lana Wood | Parsley – For Benefits that Benefit Everyone
Lana will share an overview of Parsley, a public benefit corporation created from a shared mission of empowering workers to have agency over their careers by providing them with information, tools and connections they need to make decisions about jobs, benefits and training opportunities.
Lana will lead a discussion around the concept of Benefits Cliffs and how they might be showing up for members.
12:00 pm – 12:45 pm
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
State of the State of Financial Education in WI
David Mancl | Financial Literacy Director, Office of Financial Capability | DFI
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Roundtable Discussion
3:00 pm