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YP News

The latest Young Professionals news from The League. View all news here.

64 Credit Union Professionals to Participate in Tristate Mentorship Match

Oct 12, 2021
  • Press
  • More on The Movement
64 participants from three states were selected to participate in the inaugural Tristate Mentor Match - a 12-month formal mentorship program developed in partnership by the Minnesota Credit Union Network, Montana’s Credit Unions and the Wisconsin Credit Union League.

Wisconsin’s YP Conference Goes Virtual – With a Twist

Sep 09, 2020
  • Press
  • Young Professionals
With the pandemic transforming daily life as we know it, a re-imagining of how young credit union professionals can still engage, network, and develop their skills is crucial. The Wisconsin Credit Union League’s solution? An interactive, social learning app.

Make your Members' Voices Heard at State GAC

Nov 04, 2019
  • Advocacy
Be sure your credit union is well represented as The Movement takes over Madison for the State Government Affairs Conference on January 20. If you don't stand up, who will?

2019 HYPE at Convention Attendees Announced

Apr 10, 2019
Twenty Young Professionals (YPs) have been chosen to participate in HYPE - "Helping Young Professionals Engage" this May when Wisconsin credit unions gather in Lake Geneva for Convention- our largest learning and networking event of the year.

Convention 2019: Why You Can't Afford to Miss It!

Mar 20, 2019
The League's Annual Convention & Exposition is a credit union professional's best value for honing your skills, growing your credit union, expanding your connections, and supporting the Movement--and we can't wait to show you what's in store for this year...

What past attendees have said about Convention

Feb 06, 2019
If you're on the fence about participating, these testimonials from previous attendees might be your convincer!

Credit unions honored with International Credit Union Day proclamation

Oct 18, 2018
Governor Scott Walker proclaimed Thursday, October 18 Credit Union Day in Wisconsin, honoring credit unions for a job well done!

Saver's Sweepstakes begins in Wisconsin

Sep 07, 2018
The first Saver's Sweepstakes accounts in Wisconsin are opening in September. The program not only creates excitement among members about their credit union while increasing their savings, but also establishes a long-term visibility and growth opportunity for credit unions.