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Wisconsin Saves

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Join Wisconsin Saves to Help Employees Build Savings

Many Wisconsinites fear unexpected expenses because they lack savings in an emergency. Unfortunately, we know that 27% of Americans do not have enough savings to cover a $400 emergency, and almost half of employees who are worried about their financial health are less productive at work.

Your employees can build emergency savings that can help alleviate financial stress and improve productivity through the simplest of strategies – saving automatically with split deposit through the Wisconsin Saves Automatic Saving Initiative. This national pilot project designed to encourage millions of Wisconsinites to establish emergency savings accounts through automated saving. The pilot is focused on encouraging small- and medium-sized employers to motivate their employees, particularly those in the lower-to-middle income wages, to save automatically, especially for emergencies.

Sign up today as a Wisconsin Saves employer to increase the number of Wisconsin residents who have emergency savings to withstand financial shocks both small and large, and share with your networks to help all of Wisconsin be more financially secure.

After you sign up, you will receive an email confirmation with a link to share with employees so they can take the pledge, three easy-to-use tools to educate your employees about split deposit, and digital items to support your communication efforts such as a video, blog articles, and a participation badge. 

This effort is led by the Wisconsin State Treasurer Sarah Godlewski, Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions Cabinet Secretary Kathy Blumenfeld, President and CEO of the Wisconsin Bankers Association Rose Oswald-Poels, President of the Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation Wendy Baumann, and America Saves, the leading national campaign in promoting savings. The Wisconsin Credit Union League is proud to be among the first organizations participating in and promoting this program.  

Questions about this program? Contact Josh Roberts.
