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Support The Foundation

 There are multiple ways you can support The Foundation. All gifts are tax deductible. Please help us to empower The Credit Union Movement and the communities we serve.

Make a Donation

Any amount, any time is greatly appreciated! 

Donate Online Now >>

Dues invoice option: Included on your annual dues invoice is an opportunity to make a donation to The Foundation. Just mark down your donation amount and include a check to The Foundation with your dues payment. Invoices mail the first week in December.

Join the Annual Fund Donor Society

Credit unions, individuals and system partners who donate are recognized for their support of Foundation programs, grants and scholarships. Donors are recognized on plaques at The League offices, on The Foundation website, in publications, and at The League's Annual Convention. 

Annual Fund Donor Society >>

Make a Contribution to Join >>

Sponsor an Event

System and business partners can sponsor Foundation fundraisers to boost their impact. You'll gain visibility on event communications and materials during the events. 

Available Sponsorship Opportunities >>

Participate in Fundraisers

Bucket Raffle

Make gift donations to our annual bucket raffle, held at The League's Annual Convention & Expo. Convention attendees can purchase raffle tickets for prizes.

The Foundation Invitational

This golf outing event held in the late summer is one of the largest Foundation fundraisers of the year. Join us to golf for a good cause!

Ca$h Calendar Sweepstakes

Our Ca$h Calendar Sweepstakes give participants twenty days to win cash prizes during the month of December. Up to 2,000 calendars suggested donation $10 each. Sponsorship opportunities available.

The Foundation Fitness Fundraisers

Choose your activity, grab a partner, bring the kids or pets and get out there and work it for The Foundation!

Honor with Memorials & Tributes

Memorial and tribute gifts to The Foundation are wonderful ways to create a lasting legacy. Help support the industry that your honoree loves through a charitable contribution. Remember someone who has passed, or celebrate an honoree's significant milestone such as retirement, a major anniversary, or a special birthday, 

Honorees or the family of your honoree will receive a special card with your name and organization as the benefactor, and will be recognized in The Foundation's newsletter, annual report, and on our website. Memorial and tribute gifts totaling $500 or more will be recognized at The League's Annual Convention & Expo.

Make a Memorial or Tribute Donation >>

In Memoriam


Patt Steiner
from Heartland Credit Union


Richard Derge, Sr.
from Carol Adler


Merle Bartsch
from Carol Adler

Invest in the Community Investment Fund (CIF)

The Community Investment Fund (CIF) is a vehicle that allows credit unions to support the National Credit Union Foundation and state foundations, including ours in Wisconsin. The CIF provides almost two-thirds of the funding for key programs benefiting credit unions, their members, and the communities they serve. 

Credit unions investing in the CIF receive 50 percent of the dividend of their investment. The remaining 50 percent is shared equally between the state and national credit union foundations.

Learn More About CIF >>

Questions on any of these support options? Contact Josh Roberts.