Wisconsin Raises 129% of CULAC March Challenge Goal
While Wisconsin was bested by Minnesota in the Border Battle fundraising competition earlier this month, Activists were able to raise $9,375, 129% of Wisconsin’s goal for this event!
All donations supported CULAC (Credit Union Legislative Action Committee), credit unions’ federal level political action committee, which supports credit union friendly candidates seeking federal office.
Thanks to all the donors that contributed towards this success!
CULAC 2020 Election Impact >>
CULAC 2021 Activity
Following the January riots at the U.S. Capitol, CULAC, like many other federal political action committees, paused giving to all candidates. This pause offered opportunity to seek input and to thoughtfully consider how to approach future CULAC support.
Last week, CULAC Chairman Jeff Olson (President/CEO, Dakota Credit Union Association) issued a video statement on recent steps taken by the CULAC Board of Trustees.
A Message from CULAC Chair Jeff Olson >>
Activists Highlight Value of Cooperatives at Co-op Day at the Capitol
On March 19, Credit Union Activists and League staff participated in the Cooperative Network’s 2021 Wisconsin Co-op Day at the Capitol.
Attendees from across the state spoke with legislators to educate them on the impact of cooperatives and advocate for issues impacting various cooperative industries.
Sen. Smith’s Features Co-op CU in Conversation on Childcare Access
Co-op Credit Union’s VP of Business Development & Training Marianne Torkleson joined Senator Jeff Smith (D-Eau Claire) and Executive Director of the Wisconsin Early Childcare Association Ruth Schmidt for a recorded discussion on the importance of affordable childcare in Jackson County.
In highlighting this dialogue on social media, Co-op Credit Union noted that supporting their communities, is “also really digging in and working to address broad community issues and needs.”
Kudos to Marianne and the Co-op team for creating awareness of The Credit Union Difference with legislators and the public through this work and by sharing this REAL® Solutions story. We applaud their leadership and their work to make a real difference in the lives of members and the broader community!
View the conversation on childcare access >>
Share your REAL® Solutions stories >>
2020 Political Advocacy Donor Recognition – THANK YOU, ACTIVISTS!
There are many people to thank for the significant impact The Credit Union Movement had during the 2019-2020 election cycle. We’re recognizing those individuals that financially helped increase influence and access for credit unions on the Donor Recognition page on The League’s website.
Donors listed for both WCULAF (Wisconsin Credit Union Legislative Action Fund), the state-level political action committee, and for Credit Union Members’ Conduit Account, will receive a gift – a small token of our appreciation – in the coming weeks.
Is your name missing? Find out more about credit union political giving and levels of recognition on The League’s Fundraising Account Options page.